Local Wildlife
Tasmanian Devil
The Tasmanian Devil got its name from the early settlers who found it to be a fierce little marsupial who let out chilling screams, was black in colour and generally reputed to being bad tempered. They generally weigh up to 12kg and stand as high as 30cm at the shoulder. They are scavengers who have done very well from the sheep farms in Tasmania by surviving on the carrion they provide. They will also feed on Wallabies, small mammals, birds and reptiles either as carrion or prey. The healthy Tasmanian Devil is found in large numbers on Gaunts property and are usually spotted at night time.
The Platypus has a duckbill and webbed feet and is the only mammal in the world apart from the Echidna who lays eggs containing their young. They are most often found in dams and in the local rivulet where they repeatedly dive below the surface in search of food. An adult Platypus is from 40 to 60cm long and the females are generally smaller than the males. Tasmanian platypus are generally much larger than their mainland counterparts. They live in burrows that maybe between 3 to 20m long and are found around the dams and creeks.
Blue Wren
The Blue Wren, which is also known as the Superb Fairy, is found throughout eastern Australia and Tasmania. When the male is at breeding age it develops a plumage with a striking blue forehead and tail with a black mask and black or dark blue throat. The non-breeding males, females and juveniles are a dull grey brown colour. The Blue Wren can be found in virtually any area where there is little vegetation. They live on a diet of insects and seeds. Blue Wrens are common on the Gaunts property.
Echidna are one of the rare mammals that lay eggs rather than give birth to live young. They are generally 30-45cm in length and are found wandering around the open heathlands and paddocks or in the bush. Echidnas are shy solitary animals that move slowly and can be approached by treading softly. When threatened they will quickly dig themselves into the ground using their feet as shovels leaving only their spines showing.
Bennetts Wallaby
The Bennetts Wallaby is one of the states most commonly seen animals. Males can weigh more than 20kgs and stand up to 1.5m tall. They are found throughout Tasmania and large numbers of them can be seen on the Gaunts property. They are generally seen grazing on the paddocks around evening time and into the night. During the day they shelter in the safety of the bush. Although they are generally solitary they can sometimes be found in groups known as mobs. Births occur late in summer into early autumn and the gestation period is 30 days. The young remain in the pouch of the mother for about 280 days and are weaned at between 12 and 17 months.
Wedgetailed Eagle
The Wedgetailed Eagle is the most common of the worlds largest eagles. It has a distinctly shaped wedge tail. It has a broad wingspan and is one of the worlds largest birds of prey. The female is much larger than the male, weighing between 4.2kg and 5.5kg. Males usually weigh around 3.2kg. Young eagles are mid-brown in colour and their wings are a slightly lighter reddish brown. Wedgetailed Eagles are found throughout Australia and Tasmania and can often be seen soaring over Gaunts property.
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